Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Jesus is watching you...urinate

Even though I am a big time sinner, I still take comfort in how Jesus tells his disciples that he will be with them always.

I have faith in the presence of Jesus, but there are times that image is taken too far.

If a man needs to visit the lavatory in the congregation I serve, Jesus is looking out of the corner of His (this is the only time I have ever capitalized the masculine pronoun for Jesus, but hey, this depiction of Jesus is pretty important) eye at my execution of the #1.

I wish I had the minutes for the committee that Jesus should watch men pee.

I haven't found much in the Church that surprises me, but I wanted to know the thought processes that brought a wooden carving of Jesus into the bathroom.

Jesus is looking out after you--but I hope that Jesus isn't watching you pee like this image.

I am thankful for a lot of things...but Jesus watching me pee is not in the top 100.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Pastor Smales

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