Saturday, May 23, 2009

Not abandoning content on Memorial Day weekend--recent finds for my Google Reader

How irritating that my favorite blogs take a holiday on Memorial Day weekend. Not here at madhousegazette.

My household is mostly in recovery this long weekend. My youngest had a trip to the ER last weekend when her fever would not go down. I think waiting in the ER during the wee hours of the morning took my immune system over the hedge. Excuse me while I hack up some lung butter...

My oldest daughter is struggling the most, not necessarily with her health, but with the change in routine and place. South Dakota was all she ever knew outside of vacations, and that is gone. I think she appreciates seeing her grandparents more often, and she is doing her own form of nesting and verbalizing the changes in her life: "here we are in our new house," she announced as we returned from a trip to the park. Can't say I felt like an outing today, but I knew life would be worse this weekend if we didn't get outside at some point today.

My dear wife is off with her college girlfriends for the Memorial Day weekend--so we get to make a few more choices this weekend. Hot dogs, chips, cookies and lemonade for lunch--the menu chosen by the oldest child. Naps for #2 and me. #1 continues her nesting.


John Paget Films Blog John makes some great stuff. We played basketball together years ago--he was interested in film years ago, and he's taken his work to many higher levels. Check out his piece on sprawl and cul de sacs.

Patchwork Nation on the Christian Science Monitor website. I can play with this demographic information for hours on end. I appreciate how the Monitor digs deeper than simply blue and red states.

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